TREASURE participates in R+D+I conference for the mobility of the future
On Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 September 2021, ‘R+D+I conference for the mobility of the future’ took place coinciding with the European Mobility Week 2021.
The event was organized by the Mobility City Chair of the University of Zaragoza, in collaboration with School of Engineering and Architecture (EINA), University Institute of Engineering Research of Aragon (I3A), CIRCE Institute and Polytechnic University School of Teruel.
Focused on the area of engineering, the aim of the conference was introducing projects that research groups of the University of Zaragoza are developing in the field of new technologies. These projects will form the basis of support for automotive sector in the near and medium term future.
The program, that includes 19 talks and 5 visits/demonstrations, counted with the TREASURE project presentation, introduced by Alicia Valero from CIRCE Institute, one of the partners of TREASURE.