Last General Assembly of TREASURE HORIZON 2020

Due to the conclusion of the TREASURE project at the end of May 2024, one final meeting was organized. This meeting, held as a general assembly, took place at the TNO facilities in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, and was also available online for partners who could not attend in person.

During the meeting, various presentations were shared with the consortium. The first presentation focused on dissemination and communication activities, explaining the KPIs obtained from different communication channels and showcasing the achievements reached in this area during the project.

The three pilot plants were also presented. The first presentation was conducted by Lorenzo Gandini from Politecnico di Milano, who highlighted the features and objectives achieved by the collaborative robot developed in their pilot plant. The second pilot plant was explained by Niccolò Ippolito from the University of L’Aquila, who detailed the tests carried out in the hydrometallurgical pilot plant at their university. Niccolò presented the results after testing samples of printed circuit boards, LCD screens, and IME (developed by TNO). The last pilot plant was explained by Stephan Harkema from TNO. This pilot plant aims to manufacture a new generation of PCBs, primarily composed of polycarbonate, silver ink, and LED lights.

We also had the opportunity to visit the lab where IMEs are developed. The operators explained the process, conditions, and special properties required for this technology.

Finally, the digital toolbox of the platform was presented, explaining the different embedded modules. The presentation covered the available features and outcomes obtained from the digital toolbox as well as from each module.

It was a great general assembly, with fruitful discussions not only about the TREASURE activities but also about future actions beyond the project’s conclusion.
