TREASURE participates in the European Researchers’ Night
The European Researchers’ Night is a simultaneous event, held in more than 370 cities across the continent, funded by the EC under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), an initiative to foster scientific careers in Europe-, of the Horizon H2020 Program. This year it was celebrated on September 24 and it was focused on the European Green Deal.
Several researchers from CIRCE Institute, one of the TREASURE partners, participated in the event. Among them, Dr. Guiomar Calvo presented “Europe Corner: Making the automotive industry more circular”, introducing TREASURE project to the audience. Moreover, Ricardo Magdalena and Dr. Yolanda Lara showed the attendees, through various automobile parts, the different critical metals they contain. Also, Jorge Torrubia informed about the “urban mines” available in technological devises, cars included, with the presentation “A mine in your pocket”.